Become a member
Why join the P&C?
Membership is open to any adult who wants to contribute to the Junction Park State School community including parents of students, staff and community members. It is one way to keep informed of events, connect with other families and have your voice heard.
Understanding how school works can build a sense of belonging. Research shows that parents who are engaged in their child’s school make a significant contribution to their educational outcomes.
Membership doesn’t come with any obligation to attend meetings or events, but is essential if you want to contribute to decision making as only members are allowed to vote at meetings.
Where does the P&C meet?
In person: Private function room upstairs at The Junction Hotel. Please sign your name in the register and feel free to order yourself a meal.
Online: Join via Zoom ID 378 779 1912. Please turn on your camera, keep your mic muted, and state your name in the chat to sign the register.
How frequently does the P&C meet?
General Meetings happen at least 6 times a year during the school term. Annual General Meetings happen once a year in term 1. We're always excited to welcome new people, and you don't need any experience to come. We strive to make a safe and inclusive space for all people.
How does the P&C communicate with members?
We send official correspondence to members via our mailing list. Add to your allowed senders to ensure you receive official correspondence from us.
How to become a Member
You can join the P&C by downloading a copy of the membership form and emailing it to Alternatively, you're welcome to come to our next General Meeting and join in person. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join our P&C.